Federal Criminal Defense

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Experienced Federal Criminal Defense

You need an advocate.

Being charged with a federal crime can be incredibly stressful. Federal criminal investigations can often lead to worry and fear. You need help from someone you can trust and who can guide you in the right direction. Saluda Law helps people who have been charged with Federal crimes or are under Federal investigation.

You need a trusted guide.

Federal criminal defense lawyers can be incredibly helpful when you have been charged with a federal crime or if you are under federal investigation. If you have been charged with a federal offense, you need a Federal criminal attorney to help you protect your rights and fight the charges. Saluda Law provides federal criminal defense legal services.

If you have received a summons or have been arrested on a federal arrest warrant, you will want someone to appear with you in Court and to represent you in front of the judge. You will want to have someone who has experience with federal court practice and procedure. You will want to have a trusted guide as you face your charges.

You need someone to fight for you.

If you are being prosecuted in federal court, then you are facing the power of the Federal Government. You need to know that your constitutional rights are being protected. You need to know that the government actually has the evidence to support their accusations against you. You need someone to tell your story.

It doesn’t matter if it is wire fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud, conspiracy, aiding and abetting, federal drug crimes, gun crimes, RICO violations, or any other number of offenses, you need a federal criminal defense lawyer who can help you tell your story and fight for your interests. You need someone who can review the evidence and help you decide the best strategy for your case.

Every case is different. You need someone who can advise if you should request a federal preliminary hearing or waive that hearing. You need someone who can help you decide the best approach about having a federal detention hearing. You may also need help with setting up a federal bond execution hearing. The best thing to do is to have an experienced federal criminal defense lawyer that you can go to for help.

If you are facing charges in the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina, then you need a lawyer who is admitted to practice in that court. You want a lawyer who has experience in that court and who can assist you with those charges. Saluda Law handles cases in the District of South Carolina.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are appeals from the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina heard?

Appeals from the District of South Carolina are heard in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Who prosecutes cases in the United States District Court?

Attorneys from the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of South Carolina and
Attorneys from the United States Department of Justice are generally the prosecutors in the
District of South Carolina.

Saluda Law is ready to help you fight your charges in federal court. Call today for a consultation with a federal criminal defense lawyer who can help you protect your rights. Get help now from someone you trust.