Finding Saluda Law, LLC
The firm address is 137 E. Butler Street, Lexington, SC 29072. Saluda Law, LLC is located in the historic Gantt building in the heart of downtown Lexington. Please park in the gravel parking lot on the side of the Gantt building.
We look forward to meeting you regarding a criminal defense matter or a whistleblower case.
137 E. Butler Street, Lexington, SC 29072
Any information posted about cases is intended only to be representative of the firm’s practice. These examples are not intended to, and cannot be relied upon, to predict the results in any other case.
Information or interaction on this page should not be construed as establishing a client-attorney relationship or as legal advice. For advice about your specific situation, please contact a licensed attorney.
The Statements contained within this page have been reviewed and approved by Mr. VanSyckel.